Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thunder and the Glory of God

Last night I fell asleep to the sweet sound of spring- a thunderstorm. I love the refreshed earth, the sweet smell, the cleansing feeling that follows a thunderstorm- but I do believe I love the storm itself more. I was particularly in awe of the power of God last night as I listened to the thunder roll. Psalm 19:1 came to mind; "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Below is the outpouring of my heart in the midst of the storm:

As the thunder rolls in the midst of this spring storm tonight, the Spirit moves my heart to stand in awe of my Maker. As the walls and floor around me tremble with each clap of thunder, something in the core of my being awakes to the awesome power, the grandeur, the authority, the great and high difference between me and my God. His thunder is powerful enough to shake the ground I stand on. The longer it rolls on the deeper I feel my soul's need to respond with worship. It's amazing that the holiness of the Lord could be conveyed to me in the storm's noise.

The lightning flashes and for a millisecond every time, a feeling of heightened urgency courses through my veins. The brightness of the flash hurts my eyes but its a glorious and humbling sight to see it streak across the sky. My heart is moved to recognize something beyond myself.

Both the thunder and the lightning quickly take me off the pedestal I often place myself on and remind me of my small insignificance in comparison to the heavens above me. The thunder and lightning blend in a beautiful symphony that points to the brilliance, creativity, and power of the Director and Orchestrator. As I hear the storm approach, rage over me, and move on, I am reminded that He is Lord over all creation. That a universe beyond my humble home must face whatever the Director wills.

Lastly, the power displayed in the thunder and lightning point to the amazement that a God Who controls the heavens and universe would desire to work in this disobedient and sinful heart. A God Who would cross all lines of pain and suffering to provide a way to reconcile His broken creature to Himself. Instead of starting over, He pursued me. He loves me because I am His, made to glorify His name. He writes me a love Letter of instruction, sends the Comforter to indwell me, and promises a swift return and eternal fellowship with Him.

Ah, yes. As the thunder rolls in the midst of this spring storm tonight, the Spirit moves my heart to stand in awe of my Maker.

A. Wilson

Above content originally posted on my YouVersion profile here, where most of my Biblical note-taking and journaling is published.

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