- several 4-midnight shifts at work made for a long, stressful, tiring week
- situations at work causing me to inflate the desire to quit
- not being able to quit, or even bounce that idea around in reality's brain
- deciding what to do in the near future- school for the rest of the year (which relates back to #2-3)
- what college do I need to think about transferring to next fall?
- Do I consider pursuing my own antique store? to start working in a similar vocation?
- after finally really and truly turning from my sinful heart last week after Bible study, what should I be doing now to grow closer to Christ?
- How can I reach out more to others as a result of #7?
- etc. <- haha
Needless to say (yet, I say it anyway!), this has been one crazy, hectic, crazy, frustrating, long, tiring, crazy, week. But~ this week is bound to become easier, more godly, and one step closer to SPRING BREAK!!!!!!
*I will try to post more frequently. I haven't the slightest idea why it has been so long since my last post! ;)
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