Thursday, January 2, 2014

Moving On

It was recently brought to my attention how much time has passed since I last posted anything on this blog.

It is true.

My reasons for this vary, but most importantly, I saw the need to move on. To change. To try something new. To take the lessons I have learned and use them to propel me into a better future.
I have yet to decide what to do with this blog; therefore it has been neglected.

I haven't stopped writing, journaling, blogging; I have simply moved on to something new. And what a time to share this news! The second day of a new year.

Change can be scary, but it's worth it. So follow the King, heed to His callings, and hide His Word in your hearts. Through all that happened last year and all that is to come this year, King Jesus reigns. Amen.

~His Beloved