Monday, January 30, 2012

Better Now...

I have no way to tell if anyone actually read my last post- but if you prayed, I am very grateful!
This morning at 6:30, once I had gotten ready for my 7:30 COMM class, I sat down at the kitchen table and spent much needed time with my Lord. I broke down the wall I seemed to have built up between us. I confessed what I knew to be true; I had gone my own way, and though I knew what was good, I did it not- therefore it became sin (James 4:17). I had turned my own way and saw that it led to disappointments, stress, anger, and sorrow.
No, I am not back to where I was. But now I am facing the right direction- downward on my knees.

Thank You, only Savior, for guiding and providing, for grace and mercy, for forgiveness and love.

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